Monday, April 7, 2008

Leaving Las Vegas

Well, it will still be a few hours, but I am leaving Las Vegas later tonight. Actually, really late tonight. I catch the red eye on Delta and get home eventually about 8a and then head home, clean up and head to work for an all day meeting. Oh the joy! I also have a DCA board meeting tomorrow night so I am sure to be fresh.

I had lunch with the youth minister at Grace and the youth minister at FBC, Las Vegas. What a great time! The guy from FBC, Las Vegas is part-time and his other job is appearing in STOMP out here on the Strip. Pretty fascinating guy who loves the Lord and kids. He is a newly-wed and was really a great guy to meet. The Grace guy is rock solid and is bringing some folks to the resource fair tonight. I conduct that meeting and then head to the airport to begin the trek home.

I did a 10-miler this morning down and around the Strip and it was pretty cool and especially dry. They just have no moisture in the air out here. I knew I would not be running on Tues. so I decided to do the long run today. Good choice.

I am pulling for KU tonight. If Memphis continues to hit their free throws like they did against UCLA, they will win though. Memphis is playing really well right now.

How about that LSU/Lady Vols game last night? Man that was exciting. Not only was I pulling for UT but those last seven seconds were just amazing. Definitely pulling for UT tomorrow night but I will tell you that Stanford is playing really well right now. It should be a very good game.

My guess is that I will not be blogging tomorrow so for the thousands of you who read this thing religiously, sorry to let you down. (Did I say thousands? Must be like 3-4 total.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, as one of your 1,000's - I will be missing your Tuesday update ;]

It's about 6:30a so you are probably almost home.

Praying for your time during the Community Gathering tomorrow. Very excited to have you a part of who we are, Paul. Thanks, buddy.