Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Orleans Wednesday

I am in New Orleans teaching at our Baptist Seminary here and did some post-Katrina work on a house by putting in light fixtures and some other assorted things. It was a lot of fun. I teach later tonight and tomorrow and then head home.

Sondra's dad, Bernard Holmes, was having a CT contrast scan done today due to some elevated cancer cells in his blood test last week. He has battled cancer a few times before and we would ask that you pray for him. They will know results on Friday I think. Seems like - here we go again. I am praying that things are not as serious as they might appear to be.

I did a 7-miler this morning and will do 5 tomorrow here in New Orleans. I was supposed to be off today and run 12 tomorrow but cannot fit it in before I start teaching. Hard to believe I am training for another marathon. Sort of in the "I am looking forward to running Country Music, I think." We will see.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

now see, if i were in new orleans, i would be running like 20 miles a day! wait, no i wouldnt ;-)