Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cold Wednesday

Sondra and the girls made it to KC late Tues night and we were waiting up for them. Mom had a pretty good day on Tues. She sat up in the chair some and watched some a little of her dvd movies she has. All in all Tues. was pretty good and fairly quiet.

This morning we woke up to 30s and rainy and some prediction of a little snow. Not expecting accumulation but mom said a few weeks ago that she would be here to see the first snow. She has surprised all of us including her nurses. She usually is fairly clear in the mornings and carries on pretty good conversations but by early afternoon she is pretty tired and may say just about anything. She maintains a great sense of humor and really brightened up when the girls came in last night. I did too. With travel for work and coming to KC to help with mom I have missed being around Sondra and the girls. I know they understand and want me to be with mom and dad as much as I can, but it is hard on all of us.

Here is hoping and praying that you have a great Thanksgiving. Thanks for praying for my mom and dad and if you do not mind, please pray for Ronald Kooch and his extended family today. Ronald is burying his older brother Tony today who passed on Sunday from cancer. He went very quickly. Ronald and Tami are good friends of ours and need your prayers today. Thanks.

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