Thursday, March 22, 2007


Not much better that Spring if you ask me. Now, I realize for allergy sufferers it can be a drag, but the flowers blooming and the trees budding out and the warmer weather are just all good. I have been trying to do some yard work and put down some weed and feed, grub killer, and mole remover anticipating that my yard would like George Toma just worked on it, but alas, with no rain and very little time, it still looks like my crummy yard. The neighbor's cherry trees are magnificent however.

Our girls are spending the day in Busch Gardens in Tampa today and then heading home tomorrow. Unfortunately, I leave in the morning and do not get back until late Sat. night so I will not see them for an extra day. They have had a great time in Florida while my wife and I have continued to work to support their spring break habit. It is all good though.

The running is going well. It looks like I am going to start "official" training next month and run the San Francisco Marathon in late July. We shall see.

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