Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ten, Twelve, Fourteen

I did 10 miles yesterday and mixed in 5 x 800s to try and get the legs turning over. All in all, it was a pretty good first speed work out in the new training schedule. I am scheduled to do 12 tomorrow and will run to Seaside and back and then do 14 on Saturday. As long as I get out pretty early, the heat and sun do not seem to totally sap all of my strength.

We are enjoying some really great weather and getting plenty of sun. Not too burned and really enjoying the time off from work. I am sure there are emails and phone calls for me to return, but I am not doing it while on vacation. I am not good at not doing work on vacation but so far I am doing pretty good not doing work while away.

Sondra's dad is doing pretty good after the third chemo and in fact they are in Hot Springs this week on vacation. Sondra's dad did fall early in the week and went to see a doc in the box type person and they did xrays and found nothing broken. Scraped up pretty good though I think. He is stubborn like me and probably was not using the cane he has access to use.

Dad is doing better and we are looking forward to being together some next week in New Mexico. I have a conference at Glorieta and he is going to spend three to four days with me out there. Should be a great time. Dad is just the coolest.

We enjoyed some really good food at Goatfeather's here in Santa Rosa Beach tonight. I had some wonderful blackened mahi mahi and all the ladies ate some kind of shrimp. It was a very good meal.

Looking forward to the run tomorrow and then some rest and more beach time. The family that we are vacationing with are great folks and we all get along so well. Everyone is okay with doing their own thing and there are no expectations. Highly compatible. Good times.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awesome to hear how things are going! looking forward to fuge on this side of things...see you guys on the return!