Yesterday was a rare Friday in town. That sure was nice. I am having to behave at work some now since my wife is working in the President's office for about a week answering phones and generally trying to look busy. Puts a lot of pressure on me to behave with her being in the building. After 15.5 years at LifeWay, I have a reputation among co-workers, so . . . well, anyway.
In the afternoon I headed to McMurray Middle School to participate in a field dedication for a good friend of our family. Mr. Webb is the grandfather of some of our girls' good friends and in many ways they have treated Shelbi and Morgan like their own grandchildren. Mr. Webb taught for more than 50 years in the Metro Nashville school system and was the principal and McMurray for 29 years. It was cool to see him honored and many folks had really nice things to say about him. He is wonderfully, humble guy and I was glad to be a part of the crowd to honor him.
Yesterday was my dad's birthday, my father-in-law's birthday and my sister-in-laws birthday. That is a lot of birthdays in the family for sure. I talked to dad a couple of times yesterday and know that it had to be different birthday without my mom around. Probably the first birthday dad has celebrated without mom in 50 years or so.
Okay, I am trying to gear up for mother's day tomorrow but have to say that I am not overly excited about it from a selfish standpoint. I am so incredibly proud of my wife and want her to have a wonderful mother's day and will do all I can, but I sure miss mom. This has been a weird week with all the mother's day ads on tv, radio, in print, . . . you name it, it screams everywhere. I know I will make it. Just miss my mom.
Tomorrow is also our wedding anniversary. 23 years! What an incredible blessing Sondra is not just to me, but to all who know her. And to think that God allows me to be her husband. Overwhelming. I know that I married way over my head, out punted my coverage, and am so thankful that I am a recipient of grace and do not get what I deserve.
What a weekend! Lots going on and my emotions are all over the page to be completely honest. Thankful I do not have to try and figure this stuff out on my own.