Thursday, July 5, 2007


The news media seems to think that most Americans cannot think for themselves and thus continue to try to interpret what is happening instead of just reporting the news. I know it is not a new thing by any stretch, but is one reason that I quit taking our local newspaper a few years back.

It makes me wonder why most Americans just rely on someone else to do their thinking for them. I have to admit that I fall into that category at times, but what if . . . just what if, we decided to do our own thinking and just be informed by the media outlets instead of indoctrinated. And . . . before you write this off as a right-wing, ultra conservative post, I admit that both sides of the spectrum do their best to indoctrinate from their angle.

Sadly it not only is evident in our culture at large, but in many religious facets as well. Call me weird, out of touch, or goofy, (I am sure that they all apply), but I think I will be more assertive in thinking for myself and less dependent on the media outlets take on things.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yea, I quite much enjoy this conversation...Of course, I also think people should have to know why they are voting for a president/mayor/gov/etc. before they are allowed to actually cast a vote. I know, everyone has a right to vote - true - but to vote for any given person without a reason or because of indoctrinated reasons sort of negates the whole "freedom" aspect. Silly people...