Friday, October 16, 2009

Open Letter to My Dad

My dad, Charles Turner, turned in his resignation /retirement letter to East Lynne Baptist Church this past Weds. I believe he has been pastoring/preaching for 48 years. This is an open letter to the greatest man I know.

I have known you for 46 years and in those 46 years you have taught me so many things. Nothing you have taught me is more important than what it is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You told me about Christ, you have modeled Christ-living all the days that I have known you, and you continue to show and tell others of the wonderful changing grace of God.

You have taught me that honesty is always the right choice. You have modeled that in so many ways. You have taught me the power of honoring your spouse. You have always cherished your wife, my mother, and that was never more evident than in the last few months of mom's life as you cared for her in such a loving way. But, the years leading up to that were filled with that same kind of honor for mom.

You have taught me that love out trumps everything. You have continued to love James and I and our mates even when we were knuckleheaded and ornery. You not only have told us you love us, but you have shown that in innumerable ways.

You have been a great pastor to the people God has privileged you to lead. From Highview in Chillicothe, to East Lynne, to Beaumont and back to East Lynne, people have been blessed by God through you and countless people are in the Kingdom for eternity because you have led them to know Christ. What a great pastor to His people you are.

Many people get to call you pastor, friend, uncle Charlie, Brother Charles, but James and I have always been privileged and blessed to be able to call you dad. You are a great man Charles Turner and an even greater dad. I am blessed beyond measure because God has allowed me to be your son. I am looking forward to what God has in store for you in mid-January as you step into a new chapter of ministry post-pastoring. I know it will be good. I know you will continue to be faithful to Him. And, if mom were still walking this turf, she would continue to be proud of "her man".

I love you dad. You are simply the best!
Your #2,

1 comment:

faithrunner said...

You are a blessed man, Paul. God will surely greet your father with the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant."