Thursday, June 10, 2010


You ever wonder why so many good things go bad? I guess because of have many failures that I have caused and lived through, it gets me to wondering at times why something can be going along so well and then the wheels come off in a heartbeat.

I do not know the answer but I have surmised that most failures come about through a series of smaller things that go unnoticed or neglected. I have discovered in my own life that when I refuse to allow people with differing opinions or ideas to hang around me and speak into my life, that I quickly climb on the road to failure.

Surrounding ourselves with people just like us is dangerous. We fail to recognize that we could be wrong. Arrogance and pride come crashing in and invade our hearts and minds and failure is just around the corner.

I am far from perfect, just ask my wife and daughters and anyone who spends any time with me. But I am learning that the counsel of many is wise. James 1:5 reminds us that if any of us lack wisdom, all we need to do is ask. I hope I am listening.

How about this quote on leadership? Ross Perot has funny looking ears and high pitched voice but love this quote -

Lead and inspire people. Don't try to manage and manipulate people. Inventories can be managed but people must be led. - Ross Perot

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