Thursday, November 3, 2011

Be It Resolved . . .

The Courageous movie that has been out since September 30 is one of the best movies I have seen if not the best ever on men being courageous men of God. I have been fortunate to see it three or four times with my work at LifeWay. Our church, Hermitage Hills Baptist, has been spending the last month focusing on addressing the issues associated with men being courageous men of God. Last night was a powerful time of men signing the resolution promising to honor God, our wives, and families. It was pretty awesome.

I have to admit that it was a little uncomfortable for me though. I found myself struggling with the whole idea of "do I sign in front of a group" or "do I show up and just not sign it." Let me explain. A number of years ago, I met with a small group of men and we made a very similar commitment. I was much younger, our girls were much younger, and my wife is still younger. (Notice how I just honored her there. Big smile.) Trust me, I have made many mistakes along the way as a husband, a dad and a Christ-follower, but I am committed already. I am not trying to sound better than I am, I get that I am a sinner saved by grace and left to my own devices, "I will return as a dog returns to his vomit." I never want to bring shame on the name of Christ, His bride the church, my wife or our daughters. I really just thought that since I have already committed to these things, why would I need to do it again.

I know why. And my pride was trying to tell me otherwise. I needed to sign in front of my church family as a strong form of accountability. Not so others would think, "what a great guy for making this commitment", but "what a weak guy that we need to continually hold accountable in his walk with Christ." I needed to sign the resolution in front of them not because  I am strong, but because I am very weak and I need love; encouragement; a swift kick in the butt at times; and, people who will not be afraid to walk with me in strong and weak times in my life.

I am thankful for a ministry like Sherwood Films who is willing to address the hard issues in a medium that will communicate the truth and I am thankful for a church who values people over programs. I am praying for all of us men who signed last night. I am praying for and thankful for Joey Hickman who is willing to hold me accountable. I am thankful for a God who loves me just the way I am but is not willing to allow me to stay the way that I am.

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