Sunday, June 14, 2009

Glorieta FUGE Week 1 - In the Books

It has been a great week at FUGE here in Glorieta. I am reminded once again that God has allowed us to be involved in Kingdom work and am always amazed He allows me to be a part of it. I am out here training adults who work with students and getting to hang out with youth ministers. I love my job. I am also reminded that there are many folks in ministry who love the Lord and love kids and doing a great job of helping them become like Christ. Many of these youth leaders are dealing with their own life issues and ministry issues. I got the privilege to listen to, encourage and pray for so many leaders. Just like Col. 1:29, Paul says ministry is a struggle and today it is no different.

I also met a pastor and his wife who brought students from Arizona and they were just a real blessing. I love smaller church pastors. I know I am biased because I grew up in one of those smaller church pastor's home.

Sondra and the girls are doing well. Morgan is in another basketball camp with DCA girls' team down at MTSU and Shelbi is starting week 2 at Deer Run Retreat. This week is a day camp so the students are only there from 8-4. I know she will enjoy that a little more and give all the team a little break.

Week 2 of FUGE Glorieta starts tomorrow. I will make a run to the airport in Albuguerque and pick up my good friend, Allen Jackson from NOBTS who will be camp pastor this week. Looking forward to what God has in store for everyone.

1 comment:

faithrunner said...

Have you made a run to Baldy yet? I sure miss that part of being at Glorieta...Praying as you train
