Friday, May 28, 2010


Recently I received David Platt's new book, Radical where in it he challenges me to Take Back My Faith from the American Dream. If you have not read it, I would suggest that you do not if you plan on living the rest of your life w/ little regard for doing anything differently (that is assuming you are not chasing after the American dream).

I have met David a couple of times and he spoke at our LifeWay National Youth Worker's Conference this past year. I have found him to be very unassuming, humble and a great student of the Word with a heart for reaching the world for Christ.

In reading the book, I have discovered that I am really not very radical. I am pretty complacent at the core of who I am and I do not like saying that nor do I like being exposed. I do know that I cannot continue to live into the future the same way I have lived in the past. David has messed that up for me and I am grateful that he has written Radical. I am over being mad at him for helping me hold my life up to the light of Christ and finding my actions far from what Christ commanded. I am choosing to change not because I desire God to love me more, but because I understand and love Him more. I have not arrived by any stretch. But I am traveling farther down the road in this journey.

On another note - Sondra and I enjoyed a few days in New Orleans this week. I was teaching at New Orleans Seminary for my buddy, Dr. Allen Jackson at YMI. Allen is one of the those guys who has invested in me and encouraged me along the way and I am always thankful to be able to spend time with him and his bride, Judi. Sondra and I enjoyed our time together and even took in Cafe' Du Monde.

1 comment:

Judi said...

Paul, I'm so glad you chose to invest in this week's YMI. Your humble and consistent walk with Christ is more RADICAL than you know!