Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Spinning . . . and Out of Control?

This is one of the those posts that might be better left unsaid for fear that I am going to bring some kind of wrath down on myself, but alas,  I press on with the posting anyway.

Lately, actually pretty much always, it seems that many people I know are in a constant state of spinning and many of those "many spinning" are on the brink of or are "out of control." I first have to admit that I tend to be a "low-key, sort of take things as they come", kind of person. I do not get rattled or overwhelmed very often. Some of that can be interpreted as "not caring" or "too dumb to realize how dire the straits are" or just to lazy to get engaged. I admit, sometime I get tired and some things that come along just are not worth the energy. But there are those I observe where EVERYTHING in life is a 14 on a ten point scale. There is no margin for when something really big or catastrophic or stressful comes along. If you are always pegging the top end of the meter, when something big comes along, how much higher can the needle go if you are always pegging?

Even more recently, with things like an impending wedding coming up quickly (August 11) there are many things that can seem like they are "end of the world" or at least "show stopping kinds of things" that are big deals but not the Big Deal. I have to give my wife, the beautiful Sondra for masterfully guiding the wedding planning process in a few short months. All the detail stuff that she excels at is handled with ease. (I can't even remember who all I was to invite.)

The world is spinning around us but that does not mean we have to spin out of control with the circumstances and situations we find ourselves in in life. One of the things I am really concentrating on is "Not taking on the responsibility for things I have no authority over." When decisions are made that effect me, I am focusing on only stewarding what God has clearly shown me to do. It is true that many things are spinning, but that does not mean that we have to be caught in the "spin".

I have some friends walking through some very difficult situations with health, jobs, family, other relationships and most of the time I just pray and offer a word of encouragement and a reminder to them that only pick up responsibility for those things God has given you authority over. Lean into Him and trust. It is a lesson that I am slowly learning. And. . . . He can be trusted.

Monday, July 23, 2012


At times I have these episodes of ranting, throwing up on a page and sort of "going off" on things that irritate or frustrate me. I am normally easy-going, docile, and pretty conservative about what I comment on. Too many times I am guilty of commenting on things/issues that I know very little about but come across as authoritative (at least in my own mind).

With all that said, there are a couple of things I feel compelled to comment on that in my opinion are good examples of overreaching.

One is the Roger Goodell and New Orleans Saints Bountygate issue. I am in no way supporting a system that would intentionally pay players to go "take out" people on the field, but, the NFL has a system set up for on the field play that monitors and controls the games. Officials are there to flag any plays that are deemed outside the rules of play. Mr.Goodell has been given too much authority and has over reached his responsibility in my opinion.

The whole Penn State debacle is sickening and you can read what I wrote earlier here. I am in no way trying to protect JoePa, Sandusky, or the Penn State program, but the NCAA ruling on how the school operates outside of the football program is beyond their responsibility. The sanctions were just announced and they are strong. The $60 million penalty that will be used to protect children and others from being abused is admirable. But the NCAA is set up to keep programs from getting an unfair advantage on the field. I am not sure how that applies. Please hear me, I am in no way trying to nullify or lessen the pain or atrocities of those children who were abused by Mr. Sandusky. I am just not sure how the NCAA brings sanctions on something that is not under their watch.

But, these two instances remind me of a great, short-coming in my own life. Many times I am guilty of overreaching and bringing judgment on those who I deem are unworthy or not "living up to their walk" in Christ.Too many times I play the role of the Holy Spirit in others' lives. I am slowly but surely learning to trust God and allow Him to do His work in others. I am learning to not pick up responsibility for things that I do not have authority over. Sometimes they are slow and painful lessons.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Three Year Olds Make Great Teachers

I volunteer once per month to work with three-year-olds during worship. (I should know what ETC stands for but I don't but evidently that is what our church calls what I have volunteered to do.) I always go in ready to learn something (and hopefully, come out alive!) Today was no exception.

Our lesson was on Peter being prayed for by his friends while he was in prison; the angel appearing to Peter saying, "You are free to leave this prison"; and then Peter appearing to his friends who had prayed for him. There were interjections throughout the story by the students and I am listing a sample of them below:
  • Question asked during the lesson - "Do you remember ever praying as a family for someone who needed prayer?" Answer by 3 year old S - "We never pray at our house! Well, we pray for meals." I am sure the parents would be mortified. I know them. They are praying people.
  • Me - "So, how did you cut your thumb?" "I cut it while I was opening my body wash!" (3 going on 15.)
  • New guy coming into the room - Me - "Hey J, so glad you are here!" J - "I didn't want to come." Me - "Sometimes I have to go places I don't want to go too. Let me tell you what we have planned today. We will play some games; work on some thank you cards to give to our pastors; sing some songs; have our Bible story time; and, then some gold fish and something to drink. How does that sound?" J - "Well, that's different. I like goldfish."
I laughed until I cried on a couple of other things. Ten 3-year-olds, Miss Bridget and me, and we learned alot. Well, I did anyway. Kids tell you what they think. They like when we get on their level (literally) and we listen to them. I signed up to help out once a quarter; somehow I got into the once/month rotation. I guess God knows I have alot to learn so once a quarter is not enough for me.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I've Been Everywhere Man

Sometimes it seems that time just gets away and I look up and realize I have not blogged in way too long. I will try and correct that. This past month has been fairly busy with work related travel to MO, Jackson, TN; New Orleans; New Mexico and a little family travel to GA to see Morgan and Mark who are working at WinShape Camps.

Wedding plans seem to be going very well and Sondra and Shelbi are doing a great job of getting things done and getting along while doing it! They are also frequent repeat offenders to the pool of a friend of ours.

It has been oppressively hot the past couple of weeks and extremely dry. Thankful we are not experiencing the fires that many in the West are experiencing.

Here are some very encouraging things I have been a part of this month:
  • an historic Southern Baptist Convention where Fred Luter was elected President
  • great times meeting and encouraging adult leaders at FUGE camps in MO, TN, LA & NM
  • training adult leaders who work with students from New Mexico
  • being married to the most amazing woman in the world
  • having two wonderful daughters and a soon to be son-in-law who love Jesus and are all involved in ministering to people this summer
  • Shelbi passing her TN state nursing boards - NCLEX (I think that is what the medical field calls this test) and becoming an official registered nurse
  • being a part of LifeWay Student Ministry team who has the privilege and stewardship of serving churches in their mission of making disciples
  • spending time with my dad and brother and mother-in-law
Happy Independence Day to those of you who live in the United States. I tweeted this out today and it sums up pretty much where I am -

Celebrating the great freedom we have in Christ & freedom in America & praying I never confuse freedom w/ entitlement #GodblessAmerica